
From time to time I get obsessed with ideas crated into different programming langauges. When that happens I spend an enormous amount of time learning the language, writing and building stuff.

Languages BucketList


  1. 1. JavaScript
  2. 2. Python
  3. 3. Rust
  4. 4. Dart
  5. 5. Ruby

Played a bit with

  1. 1. C
  2. 2. Roc
  3. 3. Lisp
  4. 4. Elm
  5. 5. Go
  6. 6. ML

Tickling me to learn

  1. 1. OCaml
  2. 2. TypeScript
  3. 3. Smalltalk
  4. 4. CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)

I have dabbled in a few other technologies specifically to use with some of the languages above to build web applications. But since this is not a technologies page, I will keep it languages only. All other technologies are in my Résumé